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Sebastian Coffee Shop

22 Reviews
Pesanggrahan100rb - 200rb
Hours 08:00 - 23:00Open Now

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Karina Marpaung
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5 Menu Rendang Ala Kedai Kopi di Jakarta yang Wajib
Surga dalam mulut akan seketika tercipta jika kamu menyantap Rendang Mozzarella with Rice. Sajian nasi dengan "topping" berupa duet rendang dan keju mozzarella seharga Rp65.000 ini memadukan rasa pedas dan legit yang siap membelai lidahmu dengan kenikmatan sejak suapan pertama.
Sigit Prasetyo
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8 Cafe yang Bisa Ningkatin Produktifitasmu
Atau mau yang ijo dominan, biar stresnya ilang lebih cepat? Kalo itu emang mau kamu, kamu bisa datang ke Sebastian Coffee Shop. Warna ijo yang dominan di sini pasti bisa bantu kamu buat ngebangkitin kreatifitas dan nyiptain inovasi-inovasi baru.
Wali Mursyid
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Good Coffee for Late Chit Chat
On sunday I went to here in bintaro with my friend. The place is quite good they have non and smoking area, even though non smoking area is small. I ordered hot black coffee (I am on diet :p ) and hot chocolate. The coffee is really good they have strong smells and taste even the after taste is strong. Recommended place to have casual chat with your friend or SO 😋😋
Wendhyharto K
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Tempat ngopi yang enak
smalam mampir ke tempat ini whike meeting some friends. tempatnya enak, bersih dan nyaman. waiternya juga provide good service. i order avicado blizz, focacia sandwich dan zuppa. dari sisi rasa lumayam enak dan harga juga reasonable.
Irene Tatyana Sabdarini
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It's been twice been here and still not changed, love the places. there's smoking area in outdoor and non smoking in ac room. friendly price, good service, for foods? so far is enough lah

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